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Jan 20, 2023

Racist and fail children purposely.

This school is very UNFAIR and failing black children purposely, early last year the was an incident where a teachers boyfriend slapped a learner, so the LEARNERS closed the school the following day demanding the teacher to go and the boyfriend to be arrested instead police were called to dismiss the kids. We don’t know how the school dealt with the issue because the teacher is now back.
After that the principal also resigned so the teachers ever since have been dragging their feet when it comes to teaching and learners were failing but they didn't care, they held a meeting before final exam saying about 300 learners are going to fail between grade 10 and 11 and they will not condone any child. It was also said we have attitude. When a parent suggested that we be given extra lessons he was dismissed by saying we children don’t take extra classes serious we stop concentrating on lessons all together.
When reports came out in December most failed indeed and those whose parents came to question why they failed because of English mostly, they were kicked out of the school and told not to return others were told that the department does not allow to give free marks and most of this kids failed English with 35, 36, 37 marks so this kids have to repeat a grade because of this one subject but others also failed two subjects but if mostly its English why couldn’t the teacher just make them re-write the paper cause its allowed that a leaner fail atleast one subject or be condoned other learners are over 18 already. This situation has just caused us depression none of us are motivated anymore and others want to drop out of school because will be taught by the same teacher again.
Why are they chasing fellow learners away or is it retaining this us their hope for us to drop out of school.
I want the department to investigate this please, we are treated badly because of a boyfriend of a teacher because his white.

Fellow Student
Mar 18, 2022

Westonaria High school today

I have two children in the school. There are some teachers that makes education worth while but others who victimize learners and act very harsh against them. The educators that cares about our children do whatever they can to help them. Classes are decorated very nicely and the learning environment is good but discipline is not supported at all times. The wrong issues get the most attention.

If there can be a little slack on the clothes and hair en more attention given to outdoor activities, extra curricular activities and cultural diversity, that would be to the advantage of the school.

What about a reward system as there is only a demerit system in place? The heartbeat of a school is the learners at the school, why not take care of them instead?

About the racism mentioned in other comments, I don't know. I have seen learners of all races and cultures interact with each other every day. Laughing and joking with each other. I have even seen a female teacher hug a school girl of a different race without reservation. To me that tells a different story.

As a parent I hear my children's opinions daily and they are proud to be called Westons. I would recommend this school, with a few improvements, to anyone.
Oct 11, 2021


Names cant be mentioned

That school is hated by many students teacher smoke in front of the school kids what example are they setting

It is a good school but some teachers are racist there

They have no fun after school activities to maintain the learners from doing bad things

Student's are afraid to talk to the teachers therebecause they are afriad the teacher's might make them feel useless ❤
May 19, 2021

A atrocious school

It's a very racist school that knows nothing about education. The some of teachers are even taught by the learners.
It is also a sexiest school in terms of sports.
It also doesn't have many subject choices and doesn't have any clubs even though they have the money. They also beat up kids,black kids to be specific
Nov 12, 2020

A prestigious school

It's a good school.
Nov 12, 2020

Westonaria High school....

Honestly speaking - Westonaria high is a good school.The main problem is discipline amongst some of the individuals who find pleasure in causing misery for their peers and conspiring to disturb teaching hours.It has good teachers and a great principal.I would reccommend it to others for it has good teaching...but it wouldn't hurt to add more subjects for learners to choose from.Like history,design,economics and music classes.As well as the sports available.Another thing that was brought up to my attention is that it'd be great if there were anti-bullying methods put into place.
Nov 12, 2020

Experience of my school from my perspective

I'm a grade 10 student and I must say thaty experience has not been good. Firstly the educators at the school smoke I front of the students, what do you expect the students to learn from that
The school has no after school fun activities for the Learners to keep them from doing bad things or joining gangs
The educators do not attend break duty, so the students smoke weed in break time
Most educators are not even qualified for the job,I know one teacher that was a tuckshop worker and soon after was a teacher
Some teachers tell us that they didn't even study for the subject they teaching or they've never taught the subject they teaching
We have only one unhygienic toilet for the girls from grade to 12,we all share the same 4 dirty toilets with no mirror and water
The school principal and teachers concentrate more on our appearance like our hair, uniform etc. and less on the learner's academic work and so our grades are sooo low and so many learns fail or either leave the school because the focus is in the wrong direction, the school is so unsafe, it is in an unsade environment and students get robbed and threatened and this has been a complaint but no change has been done
I plead this to be seen and be addressed because I'd like to be in a better school with better educators and education
Nov 12, 2020

Review from learner

Uninterested teachers who look down on students and expect the worst outta them.
34 Syringa St, 1780, Westonaria

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