
Based on 2 reviews and 10 answers
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May 28, 2024


WORST PRESCHOOL EVER, Don’t take your child there, they abuse both parents and children!! The Principal is rude and arrogant, she said South African people are lazy in one of her meetings and surprisingly you’ll only see one Indian kid there and the rest are SOUTH AFRICAN (Black) but the nerve of that woman 🚮
Oct 6, 2020

Bad Crèche

The school never involves parents. They are always looking at milking money from parents and do not care for the kids. The kids are miserable and I suspect they give them a hiding. The kids do not sit on chairs but mats the whole day. When you take a fruit to the school for your child, your child does not eat that particular fruit, they supplement it with a small red apple the kids do not enjoy. They are bullies and parents have no say or a voice. Can not go pass the reception area to where you'll see your child.
60 Sierra Nevada St, 1829, Lenasia South
+27 11 855 2450

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